How to maximise the benefits of your stand at the Wexford Business Summit 2018
The Wexford Business Summit is a great opportunity for you to secure new business, contracts & contacts for your company.
There will be over 1000 business people in the room who could potentially be interested in doing business with you, whether you are looking for a new graphic designer or looking to increase your sales. We have included some pointers below to help you get the best possible benefit from the Summit.
- Promote your stand on social media, particularly Twitter! Use the #WexBizSummit and stay connected with Wexford Chamber and other exhibitors!
- Be creative with your stand – the more your display stands out from the crowd the more visitors you will get!
- Encourage people to linger at your stand longer by having sweets and freebies on your stand.
- Having a laptop or a TV screen showing a video of your business let’s people see what you do!
- Competitions are a great way to interact with people visiting your stand.
- Have plenty of promotional material ready to hand out.
- Try to have someone that is a lively, extraverted person on your stand who can really sell your business.
- Be proactive!! There’s over 70 other businesses exhibiting at the Summit, don’t think of them as being your competition for visitors, instead they could be potential future clients or partners of yours. So be sure to visit the other stands and introduce yourself.
- Keep someone at your stand at all times.
- Listen to the speakers that are of interest to you!
- Have plenty of business cards on hand to give out.