County Wexford Chamber today (15 January 2021) welcomes the publication by Tánaiste Leo Varadkar of the National Remote Working Strategy “Making Remote Work”. The report commits to an acceleration of the National Broadband Plan, investment in remote hubs, reviewing tax treatment and introducing legislative changes on rights to request remote working.
Speaking this morning, County Wexford Chamber Operations Manager Emma Dunphy said,
“The Strategy is an ambitious vision for the future of work in Ireland and the potential to transform the workplace into one that supports quality of life, inclusion and regional development. We welcome the alignment of the Strategy to other key government policies such as the National Economic Plan, the Climate Action Plan, the Town Centre Living initiative, and the forthcoming Sustainable Mobility Policy.
Of particular importance to our members is the commitment within the report to examine the acceleration the National Broadband Plan and develop a National Hubs Network. The experience of the pandemic means that it is more important than ever that we ensure rapid delivery of high-speed broadband throughout the country.
Remote working paired with a National Hubs Strategy, could play a transformative role in reviving our towns, villages, and urban centres. We particularly welcome the commitment to align hubs with childcare provision and access to public transport.
The consequences of COVID-19 for the health and economic well-being of Irish society cannot be understated. It is likely that we will be living with the destructive impacts of the pandemic for some time to come. However, with vaccinations in sight, it is important to look to the future and the legacy of our experience with the pandemic. The Department’s Remote Work Strategy is an ambitious set of targets that could have a transformative impact on labor participation, quality of life and regional employment. We look forward to working with Government over the coming months as it is implemented.”
One strategy that Businesses and workers can take to improve their remote working situations in County Wexford is availing of the New work Junction services. New work Junction provides the opportunity to rent remote flexi desks or offices spaces with no lease. New Work Junction takes control of all the usual bills and responsibilities that would usually fall upon business owners such as, electricity bills. They provide a safe and secure private environment that is ideal for remote workers, SMEs, Start-ups and Freelancers. This is a ready to use service that provides work areas with all the work essentials, such as gigabit broadband, printing meeting facilities and most importantly, a secure and private place to work.
This provides an excellent opportunity for people and businesses who may not have at home facilities, such as a private and secure area to work from. With the Covid-19 vaccine currently being rolled out, it is time for businesses to consider their working remotely strategies. Remote working looks as though it will become a permanent fixture in Irish Society, so the idea of readymade and easily accessible work offices for individuals and teams are ideal.