Sector-specific supports and guidance
Manufacturing and international services
A €180m Sustaining Enterprise Fund for firms with 10 or more employees in the manufacturing and international services sectors providing advances of up to €800,000 which are only repayable when a business returns to good financial health.
Guidance on the manufacture and distribution of medical devices, PPE and barrier mask.
Placing PPE on the EU market–new conformity procedures (HSA): COVID–19 Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance procedures for PPE.
Manufacturing and importing PPE and medical devices (NSAI): Guidance on manufacturing and importing PPE and Medical Devices to ensure compliance.
Guidance on barrier masks (CCPC): Guidance for business on producing or distributing barrier masks.
Specification on barrier masks (NSAI): SWiFT 19:2020 barrier masks for consumers – Requirements.
Food drink horticulture Sector
Amendments to Planning and Development Regulations temporarily allow restaurants to operate as takeaways without being required to obtain change of use planning permission during the emergency period. The Digital School of Food is an e- learning hub from the Local Enterprise Office to help food manufacturing businesses to develop and grow their Irish businesses. There are guidelines for reopening restaurants and cafes.
Food, drink and horticulture sector: Bord Bia’s ‘Navigating Change’ COVID-19 Response programme offers a suite of supports for food, drink and horticulture businesses affected by COVID-19.
The Seafood sector: Bord Iascaigh Mhara is providing COVID-19 business support to the seafood sector.
Childcare providers
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has a funding package to help with the reopening of registered centre-based providers since the 29th of June. The grants will help with additional costs associated with reopening after COVID-19. The Government of Ireland have issued Guidance during Covid-19 for use of early learning and care (ELC) and school-age childcare (SAC) services.
Construction industry
The Construction Federation Industry has developed a Back to Work Resource Pack (pdf) to help prepare your business for getting back to work after the COVID-19 emergency measures are relaxed. You can get more information from cif.ie. You should keep up to date with announcements from the Health Service Executive.
The Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme provides a €3,000 payment for each new apprentice, to support employers to take on new apprenticeships until end of June 2021. You can get more information from Solas about how to apply.
Tourism and hospitality
Fáilte Ireland has created an extensive range of business supports to guide you through operating your business during COVID-19. The purpose of these guides are to ensure that the tourism and hospitality sector survives the Covid-19 crisis. To view the guides, click Here.
Cross-border companies
If you are a cross-border company, you can get professional advice on COVID-19 challenges up to the value of €2,250 from InterTradeIreland’s Emergency Business Solutions. €2,800 in consultancy support is available under the E-Merge programme, to help cross-border businesses develop online sales and eCommerce solutions.
Farm businesses
Teagasc is available to provide support on issues facing farm businesses in light of COVID-19.
Design sector
The Design & Craft Council Ireland delivers a range of support and development programmes, including webinars and FAQs in response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the design sector.
Supply chain workers
The Department of Transport has published guidance in relation to supply chain workers. COVID-19 guidance for supply chain workers
COVID-19 sectoral guidance
The COVID-19 sectoral guidance from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media provides information for the sectors it supports.