The Companies Registration Office have announced (12th October 2020) that companies that have an annual return date on or after 30th September 2020 now have until 26th February 2021 to complete all aspects of filing its annual return and financial statements.
The extension does not apply to companies that have an ARD earlier than 30th September 2020.
So if you have an ARD of 29 September 2020 or earlier this extension does not apply. Companies that were due to complete the filing of its annual return and financial statements on or after 18th March 2020 have until 31st October 2020 to complete all aspects of its annual return filing. So please check your ARD’s and know what your filing deadline is now!
Companies should still try and file on time where possible.
This extension is separate to the AGM extension in the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020.