Enterprise Ireland – Online Retail Scheme 2nd Call opens 19 June 2019
The Online Retail
Scheme was
launched by the Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation (DBEI) on
20th September 2018 to support eligible SMEs in the retail sector to develop a
more competitive online offer.
is a Competitive Fund which
will be administered by Enterprise Ireland on behalf of DBEI with a total fund
size of €1.25m .
Applications for funding will be invited through public Calls for submission of
projects. The second Call will open on Wednesday19th June, 2019 with a closing
date of Wednesday31st July 2019 at 3pm.
Successful applicants will be awarded funding to support a maximum of
50% of the project eligible costs with a maximum grant of €25,000.
For further information on the scheme and to apply, click here.