You are invited to an information evening at Clayton White’s Hotel, Wexford on behalf of Ervia on:
Thursday, 21st July, 2016 at 6pm.
The next phase of Gas Networks Ireland’s €16.5m infrastructure project to bring gas to Wexford will commence with works in Wexford town in August 2016. In collaboration with Irish Water, Gas Networks Ireland will also during this phase replace 1km of water mains on the Newtown Road and carry out site investigations to determine a programme of works on the public water network to be carried out in the town in 2017. Gas Networks Ireland and Irish Water, as subsidiaries of Ervia, are coordinating the delivery of both these services.
The aim of the evening is to provide as much information as possible on the project to key stakeholders and business owners in the town and surrounding areas. Ervia would welcome an opportunity to outline their construction programme for the town and to provide information for those interested in using natural gas in the commercial and residential sectors. You will also have the opportunity to meet with some of their Project Team, who will be closely associated with the project and will be available to answer any queries you may have. Light refreshments will be available following the briefing session.
If you could confirm your attendance by contacting
Mary O’Mahony, PR Manager, Gas Networks Ireland, on 021-4534545 or
by emailing mary.omahony@gasnetworks.ie