Dementia Awareness Training for Financial Services Staff in association with Bluebird Care, Doyles Solicitors and the DCU Dementia Elevator Team
In Ireland, it is currently estimated that 48,000 people are living with dementia, and this number is expected to double in the next 20 years. Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community, and with a little support, many are still able to manage their finances and use financial services.
Wexford Chamber has teamed up with Bluebird Care Wexford, Doyles Solicitors and the DCU Dementia Elevator team to bring you Dementia Awareness Training for the Financial Services sector, which aims to equip financial services staff with the skills to recognise possible dementia and to communicate with customers in a supportive manner.
Date: Wednesday 26th October 2016
Time: Registration from 9am; Presentation 9:15am – 11:30am (incl. Q&A Session)
Venue: Talbot Hotel, Wexford
Fee: Attendance is FREE
Learning Objectives
- To develop familiarity with and raise awareness of dementia
- To develop an understanding of the impact of a diagnosis of Dementia on a family
- To raise awareness of the challenges that a person with dementia can face using financial services
- To examine the impact of Enduring Power of Attorney legislation and Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015 on persons with diminished or who lack mental capacity
- To equip financial services staff with the skills to support and engage appropriately with customers with dementia
- To identify what a ‘Dementia Friendly’ physical environment means and some approaches to achieve this.
Who are Bluebird Care?
Bluebird Care provides Home Care services throughout County Wexford to people of all ages and all abilities so that they can live independently at home and in their community. Bluebird Care provides care and support to older people, people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual disabilities as well as care for children.
Who are Doyles Solicitors?
Doyles Solicitors provide practical legal advice in an accessible, easy to understand way to their clients. Established in 1952, today Helen Doyle and June O ‘ Hanlon understand the evolving business and family needs of today’s client, practising in the areas of residential and commercial property, probate, property taxes, family law and litigation. Helen Doyle has a particular interest in powers of attorney, trusts, wills and estates.
What is Dementia Elevator?
Dementia Elevator is an education and empowerment programme to help individuals, community services and health care services engage with and support people affected by dementia. The project is a partnership between Dublin City University, The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Health Service Executive.
This event is open to Chamber Members and Non-Members. Pre-booking is essential as places are limited. To book a place, please contact Wexford Chamber on 053 9122226 or email Josephine Dunlop at admin@wexfordchamber.ie