Business After Hours Networking Event with EBS Wexford
Celebration of new Wexford Branch!
EBS Wexford, in association with Wexford Chamber, is inviting local businesses to join them on the evening of Thursday 19th April from 5.30pm to celebrate the launch of their new EBS brand in the heart of Wexford Town.
This event is a great opportunity to network, build connections, raise your profile and seize opportunities with the local business community.
Based at 93 North Main Street in Wexford town, the new EBS branch provide another choice for customers in Wexford seeking Mortgage, Savings/Investment and Insurance services and Principal/Tied Agent Maurice McGee has exciting new plans to grow the business in the near future.
EBS Wexford is actually one of the oldest EBS agencies in the country having been established by Paddy Sheridan in 1968. More recently, EBS formed a small part of the Sheridan Insurance business, so with their recent move to Drinagh, this provided the ideal opportunity for EBS to re-launch the brand here, hiring additional staff to help service and grow their customer base in Wexford town and beyond.
Light refreshments will be served.
All attendees will be entered into a prize draw on the night.
5.30pm – 6.00 pm Event Registration – welcome reception & refreshments
6.00pm – 7.30pm Short addresses by Maurice McGee, Principal / Tied Agent of the Waterford & Wexford and Pat Dunphy QFA, Branch Manager
Informal Networking
**Prize Draw**
Please remember to bring your business cards and we would encourage you to invite a colleague or staff member to accompany you! This FREE event for Chamber members; €20 for non-members.
Bookings: Email katieoconnor@wexfordchamber.ie or phone 053 9122226.