County Wexford Business Awards 2018 www.wexfordbusinessawards.ie
*DEADLINE EXTENDED 9am Tuesday 17th April*
Join in now and be part of the most prestigious & reputable business Event in Wexford county! Leading businesses know the value of showcasing their talents and receiving highly acclaimed Awards of Excellence for the outstanding achievements of their organisations, business acumen, employees skills and collaborative team work.
It is FREE to apply and open to every Business operating or trading in County Wexford regardless of size or industry
- Pubic Sector
- Private Sector,
- SME,
- International Business,
- On-Line Business.
- Open to chamber members and non members
Why Enter the County Wexford Business Awards?
- Elevates your Business Profile
- Expands your Network
- Rank among “the Best” in your field
- Achieve Competitive advantage
- A truly excellent social event – inspiring, motivating, fun
- Boundless PR Opportunities
You can enter up to 3 Categories!
Read Testimonials HERE of past winners & applicants.
The awards honour Wexford’s industry leaders through the acknowledgement of innovative business processes, product development, enterprise, sustainability and overall business success. Central to the ethos of the County Wexford Business Awards is
- Sound environmental and green business practices, as the awards take into consideration the green credentials of all entries, across all categories.
- Benefits generated to the wider community, local, regional or national.
- Collaborative efforts both internal and external
- Good Business practice for management and operational systems
- Innovative approach to managing your business concepts, ideas, systems, people, environment, design, production, manufacturing, marketing, sales distribution, service.
The awards showcase business brilliance and are an open competition, independently judged. To be transparent, fair and equal competition ground rules apply to all entrants: Click here to view the Competition Rules.
Applications should now be made online at www.wexfordbusinessawards.ie
Completed forms must be submitted BY 9am TUESADY 17th APRIL 2018. An independent judging panel will review all applications received. Shortlisted applicants will be announced on FRIDAY 20th APRIL 2018 and judging interviews will take place on WEDNESDAY 25TH APRIL 2018.
Winners and runners-up in each of the award categories and the overall Wexford Business of the Year Award 2018 will be announced at the official County Wexford Business Awards Gala Ceremony, on Friday, 25th May 2018 in Clayton Whites Hotel, Abbey Street, Wexford.
For further details contact Wexford Chamber on 053 9122226 or email traceymorgan@wexfordchamber.ie