Auto Enrolment WILL affect your business – Get ahead of the game!
When: Friday, 4th October 2019
Venue: The Talbot Hotel, Wexford including Breakfast
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Please click below to register:
Auto Enrolment Breakfast Seminar or email Tony Connolly at tony@nfs.ie
Under this proposal, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection suggests that all PAYE workers between the ages of 23 and 60 earning more than €20,000 will be automatically enrolled in a pension in 2022 if they are not already signed up to a scheme.
They would pay 1 per cent in the first year, a figure that will rise by one percentage point every year until 2027 when they would be contributing 6 per cent.
The contributions would be matched by their employer up to a salary of €75,000 and the State would contribute €1 for every €3 saved by the scheme member.
In this scenario, from 2027, workers would see a total of 14 per cent of their gross pay going into a fund for their retirement.
Join Neiland Insurance on Friday 4th October in The Talbot Hotel at 7.30am for breakfast and a briefing on all of the above with guest speakers from Zurich Insurance.
Speakers include:
Niall Fitzgerald, Head of Retirement Solutions at Zurich, will consider the implications of the proposed introduction of an auto enrolment pension scheme for the approximately 60% of workers in the private sector currently without workplace pension coverage. Widely welcomed, auto-enrolment will hopefully set Ireland on the road to improved standards of living in retirement.
Ian Slattery, Investment Consultant at Zurich, will discuss the importance of investment performance in pension schemes and how good performance leads to better outcomes for individual scheme members. There will also be a discussion on the recent volatility in investment markets and an outlook for the remainder of 2019.
looking forward to seeing you at the event!