Big Red Book Computerised Accounts Course – Cloud Version


One of the easiest and user friendly packages to use


Learn how to


Setup a business.


Imput data into purchases book, payments book, sales invoice book and cash book.


Extract reports – bank recon, debtors, creditors, vat, nominal accounts.


Use the system to its full potential.


Suitable for all users – those who want to go from:-


Manual to computerised

Excel to computerised

Not happy or getting the full potential of their current computerised package


Venue – Wexford Chamber Training Room, Hill Street, Wexford.

Dates – Wednesday 16, 23, 30 March and Tuesday 5 April

Time – 10am to 1pm each day

Cost – €250 in total. Can be paid over the four weeks.


Requirement – each participant must bring their own laptop

Booking is essential as places are Limited to 10 places.

Enquiries to Geraldine , GD Accounts Training @ 087-9227931