John F Kennedy Trust
Business After Hours Networking Event
with 4 County Chambers
WHEN: Wednesday 10th May 2017
TIME: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
VENUE: The Kennedy Homestead, Dunganstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford
COST: FREE of charge
The guardians of The Kennedy Homestead Visitors Centre, using the Kennedy Library archival collection in Boston, have created a state of the art interpretative exhibit which explores the circumstances of Patrick Kennedy’s departure from Ireland in 1848 and pieces together the story of the most famous Irish–American family through the 20th century to the present day.
5.00 pm Bus departs from Redmond Square, Wexford. Travel in comfort with Wexford Bus who is kindly bringing attendees to Kennedy Homestead for this special event. As space is limited on the coach pre-booking via the Chamber is essential.
6.00 pm Arrival/Event Registration and Networking Experience the“Homestead Tea Party of 1963” with some light refreshments.
6.30 pm “Kennedy Homestead through the Ages” – Presentation by Patrick Grennan A short presentation on the history of Kennedy Homestead bringing us through the years of history right up to the present day.
6.50 pm Guided tours offering the opportunity to view the Homesteads Visitors Centre and more.
7.50 pm Prize Draw
8.00 pm Bus departs from Kennedy Homestead for Redmond Square, Wexford – expected arrival time 9 pm
We would encourage you to bring along your staff. For a networking event with a difference, make sure you put Wednesday 10th May in your diary!
TRANSPORT: Transport to and from Kennedy Homestead is kindly sponsored by Wexford Bus. Pre-booking is essential as places are limited. The bus will depart from Redmond Square Wexford at 5 pm sharp with the return trip leaving Kennedy Homestead at 8pm back to Redmond Square.
This not-to-be-missed evening is an excellent opportunity to socialise and soak up the history of the Kennedy’s.
RSVP: Email Denise Farrrell at enquiries@wexfordchamber.ie
or phone Wexford Chamber on 053 9122226