Christmas Networking Lunch
‘The Possible Effects of Trump’s Presidency on Wexford’
Friday, 2nd December
in the Riverbank House Hotel
In the immediate aftermath of the US presidential election results, business owners from across the globe are eager to address the economic uncertainty which the impending Trump presidency has created.
We will explore the possible effects of Trump’s Presidency on Wexford through an informed panel discussion followed by a Q&A session.
Panel Discussion Speakers Include:
- Karl Fitzpatrick, President of Wexford Chamber, Managing Director of Chevron Training & Recruitment and CEO of Bricks 4 Kidz Ireland. Karl also presents South East Radio’s Business Matters.
- Peter Prendergast, a mass marketing specialist who worked in Irish politics and as Government Press secretary, he joined the European Commission as a Senior Executive. After 14 years Peter retired and now lives in Wexford.
- Tom Mooney, Editor of the Wexford Echo Newspaper Group. A journalist since 1988, he has won a Law Society Media Justice Award and an Amnesty International Media Award.
A lunch not to be missed, so book your place early and bring a friend!
Arrival at 12.30pm. Lunch will be served at 1.00 pm.
€25 for Chamber Members / €30 for non-Chamber Members (incl. 9% VAT) for Glass of Wine, Main Course, Dessert & Tea/Coffee
For Bookings email traceymorgan@wexfordchamber.ie or phone Tracey Morgan on 053 9122226