WEBINAR: Chambers Ireland have arranged a webinar ‘Governance in a Surreal World with David Duffy‘ of The Governance Company, which will take place in 2 weeks time, on Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 from 3 – 4pm.
This seminar will focus on:
– Board leadership in supporting the CEO and staff
– Financial management and what to focus on
– How to prepare for and run successful virtual board meetings. We will draw on the findings from our global survey on Virtual Board Meetings we have just finished.
– 5 issues Directors need to focus on for the next 12 months
This webinar is open to all members, Chamber staff and Board members. I have attached an image for the webinar to be shared across social media, and registration is essential so please include the below link in any posts that you share about this event.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoce-urD8qGNX-Lx1PqDO5DncL5VFb6Whf