Wexford is celebrating being honoured with the Purple Flag, the internationally accredited award for excellence in the night-life of a town or city. Wexford joins 22 other towns/cities in Ireland who have achieved Purple Flag status.
Purple Flag status for Wexford is estimated to be worth €3.1 million to the local economy in the next 3 years. The Chamber believes that an extra 10,000 visitors will visit Wexford over the next 3 years and this will lead to increased revenue in Hotels, Bars and Restaurants. Local golf courses and leisure amenities coupled with visitor attractions such as Johnstown Castle will all benefit from this prestigious award.
The award follows the completion of a rigorous 11 months of hard work and commitment by both the Chamber and Wexford County Council. Businesses and community groups worked tirelessly to receive this award. The Chamber organised a series of information meetings, workshops and site visits to ensure that every business in the town was aware of the importance of receiving this accreditation.
The award which recognises Wexford as a ‘must-visit’ location will be beneficial as a marketing and promotional tool, placing the town amongst a small number of towns and cities to have achieved this standard. Wexford will now be marketed locally, nationally and internationally as a town of excellence with a rich mix of dining and cultural venues and a vast range of events and festivals READ MORE HERE