Dates: 19th May 2021
Time: 09:30 – 11:00
Location: Online
Member Price: Free
Non Member Price: Free
Places Available: 20 places
Trainer: Monere
Book: Wexford Chamber Skillnet
The Power of Peer Management
Topics include:
- The meaning and nature of peer management
- How to establish and build trust in an authentic and meaningful way.
- How to influence with a careful balance of intelligence and emotion.
- How to realign a team with fresh energy and focus on collaboration and communication as opposed to command and control.
In this Brave New World of working from home or in the office, or a hybrid of both, the established hierarchy of management has toppled somewhat. Managers no longer have perceived or real control over their teams, and this is leading to a breakdown in trust. The lack of physical presence, chats in hallways, coffee catch-ups etc., are subliminal, yet powerful facets of control in line management. Is it time to consider peer management?