The deadline for applications for the Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards 2019 is
12pm,Thursday 9th May 2019
We would be delighted if you could share this information with your Local Authority to encourage them to enter & engage with @ChambersIreland on Twitter
The Excellence in Local Government Awards showcase best practice in local government and recognise the skills, hard work, innovation and enthusiasm within local government that can often go unrecognised. The Excellence in Local Government Awards are held in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
There are a variety of award categories:
New 2019 Category: Age Friendly Initiative
Outstanding initiative through the Municipal Districts
Supporting Active Communities
Best Practice in Citizen Engagement
Health & Wellbeing
Supporting Tourism
Promoting Economic Development
Local Authority Innovation
Sustainable Environment
Disability Services Provision
Best Library Service
Sustaining the Arts
Festival of the Year
Commemorations and Centenaries
Heritage and Built Environment
Enhancing the Urban Environment
Click HERE to start your application today!
For more information on categories and useful tips on writing a great application
https://www.chambers.ie/events/elg-awards/ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carly Mooney on 01 4004300 carly.mooney@chambers.ie