The Owner of Wexford-based engineering company CPE (Cross Philip Engineering) has been named Thought Leader in Entrepreneurship 2022 by the All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF).
In receiving the prestigious honour, Garry Bradley was hailed for his trustworthiness, inspiration, innovation and achievements. He’s built an impressive business portfolio alongside CPE in recent years including Ignite Training and Consultancy, Pitcrew Barbecue, among others.
CPE, based in Crossphilip, Wexford, has completed over 5,000 projects since being founded in 1995. The company is seen as a one-stop shop for design, manufacturing, build, commissioning and maintenance of metal engineering projects.
In its three decades of expansion, the company has also trained over 100 engineers in its state of the art aluminium, stainless steel and mild steel facilities.
Business All-Star Accreditation is an independently verified standard mark for indigenous businesses, based on rigorous selection criteria.
Garry said he’s delighted to receive this honour for multiple reasons:
“I’m involved with many businesses across a variety of sectors, between engineering, distribution, sales, training and services. One thing remains the same. We deliver a quality product to meet the client’s needs. Each company listens to the market and clients and delivers a service that focuses on end user satisfaction.
“Assessed under the pillars of performance, trust, commitment and customer centricity, I’m delighted that the AIBF have inducted me into a TRIBE that features so many defined business leaders.
“Business life can be rewarding but ruthless, and many lessons have been learned along the long and windy roads that an entrepreneur travels. I look forward to giving back and helping other entrepreneurs along their own unique journey as they seek to exchange procrastination for achievements by making calculated decisions towards their end goals.”
Deputy Chair of the Adjudication Board Kieran Ring praised Garry for his entrepreneurial spirit when accrediting him as Thought Leader in Entrepreneurship 2022:
“Garry is an informed opinion leader and the go-to person across a diverse range of enterprises.
“He has built on the success of Cross Philip Engineering, a specialist in handling equipment, design and building of production plants. Today his portfolio also includes Ignite Training and Consultancy, Pitcrew Barbecue, Eikon Beauty Salon and Clinic, and The Gorey Institute amongst others.
“Garry Bradley is a trusted source who moves and inspires people with innovative ideas, he turns ideas into reality, and knows and shows how to replicate his success.
The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) is an autonomous national accreditation body tasked with enterprise development and the promotion of Best-in-Class in Irish business.
The Foundation actively engages and supports its network through peer dialogue, collaboration, mentoring and enterprise development activities. Companies are qualified for accreditation by completing an enterprise audit and are identified by their use of the AIBF’s Business All-Star Marque.