Soon after its launch on July 1st 2003, it established itself as market leader among young adults across the region. Beat also consistently outperforms its national rivals Todayfm and 2fm in both the All Adult and Under 35 market in the South East.
The station is music driven with a broad mix of new and recent music which our target audience has told us they want to hear. Added to that, we offer news and talk programming relevant to young adults.
An award winning company that prides itself on doing things ‘a little differently’; this strategy has helped to raise our profile regionally and nationally. Beat 102-103 is home to a Meteor award winner for Best regional DJ 2009, PPI overall Best promotion award 2009 for its controversial social experiment 2 Strangers and a Wedding and South East Marketing Award, also in 2009.
Beat 102 103 is the most powerful and effective advertising medium in the region as it delivers the largest audience of any radio station in the South East.
Business Website Address: http://www.beat102103.com/
Business Phone Number: 051-846161
Business Contact Email: wexford@beat102103.com