It’s Good 2 Talk

IG2T have played an important role in supporting those with poor mental health in Co Wexford since 2012.
As a voluntary Board, as a fully compliant Charity, as a Not-for-Profit and as a service provider with fully IACP accredited counsellors working with clients, we deliver professional, affordable and flexible therapy with little or no waiting lists.  Our Counsellors offer affordable online or face to face counselling
We never turn anybody away on the grounds of inability to pay.
We hope that County Wexford will benefit from ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ and we continue to lobby Government on behalf of IG2T and other similar organisations to improve services in Wexford.
Some people are unable to, or not known for their ability to communicate.  Take action now and improve your mental health.  Talk about your feelings and emotions with a trained therapist who will listen and support you without judging or criticising.
It’s Good to Talk!!

Phone: 053 9126596