We deliver the Department of Social Protection JobPath scheme in the Southern counties of Ireland. JobPath is an employment activation scheme which caters mainly for people who are long-term unemployed (over 12 months) to assist them to secure and sustain full-time paid employment or self-employment.
We understand that finding and keeping the right people is vital to the success of any business. We aim to make a difference to society by offering tailored support, training and guidance to long-term unemployed.
To help change lives and create better futures for communities and individuals, we are dedicated to understanding individuals’ needs and engaging with them throughout their journey from social exclusion to social inclusion.
Turas Nua is committed to protecting the data protection and privacy rights of individuals in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. We act as a Data Processor on behalf of the Department of Social Protection who are the Data Controller.