Benefits of Joining County Wexford Chamber

Membership Benefits  – A sound investment in your business


County Wexford Chamber works to deliver an unrivalled range of services and benefits to all of our members, all aimed at boosting your bottom line. The Chamber Team is committed to working for and with its members to focus on the end result.

Joining County Wexford Chamber represents an investment that will open a pathway for any business to a rapidly expanding network of professional contacts. Business referrals, networking and professional development are core reasons why businesses join the County Wexford  Chamber and remain on as Members.


Extend your Network of Business Contacts

Central to the Chamber’s ethos is to encourage member to member introductions and referrals. People do business with people they know and trust.  Informing others about your business and making new contacts is the best way to help your business grow and increase sales.  We give members the opportunity to do this by organising a programme of over 100 networking and training events per year, many of which are free for members to attend.  These include Business After Hours, Breakfast Networking events, Business Lunches and Information Workshops/Seminars.  Every event is a chance to connect with other businesses. We also provide structured training through our Wexford Chamber Skillnet Division.


Learn – Add Value to your Business

County Wexford Chamber adds value to your business by providing seminars, workshops and information briefings on a wide range of relevant subjects and topics such as innovation support, marketing, HR, accessing new markets, green business, and obtaining finance for business.


Promote Your Business

Promoting your business and increasing people’s awareness about what your business has to offer is important for any business. County Wexford Chamber provides plenty of opportunities to our members to market and promote what it is that makes their business unique. Each opportunity is geared towards promoting your business to other key decision makers in and around Wexford.  Members of County Wexford Chamber can actively promote their products, services or events through the following means:


  • Newsletter – All new members are introduced to the rest of the member network through the Chamber e-newsletter which is distributed on a regular basis to both the key contacts in our member network as well as the local business community. Keep up-to-date with the latest business and economic news and events, both locally and nationally, through our e-newsletter.


  • Online Member News Section – Members of the Chamber can avail of the member news section of our website to make other members aware of their special offers, good news stories, job opportunities, events, open evenings etc.


  • Business Listing on Wexford Chamber Website – As a member of County Wexford Chamber, your business is profiled in the Members Directory on the  Chamber website with a link to your website. Our public directory is the first point for research by other businesses looking for suppliers or potential clients in Wexford.   Our members’ only section provides additional information about your business to Chamber members.


  • Social Media – Let us help you spread your message. We have 6,362 Twitter followers and 6,500 Facebook followers so make sure to tag County Wexford Chamber and we will share your tweets/posts!


  • Sponsorship – County Wexford Chamber provides member businesses with a unique platform to promote their businesses through sponsorship or hosting our Business After Hours Networking events. We build our events’ programme around the businesses who come on board as event sponsors.  This places the members in the driving seat of helping to set the agenda of our event schedule.  As a sponsor, you benefit from the increased profile for your business, speaking opportunities, local and national media coverage and credibility of partnering with County Wexford Chamber.

Support network

Learn from other industry leaders and enhance your knowledge on how to succeed in business and develop solutions to common business issues.  Benefit from peer to peer advice on doing business in today’s ever changing business environment.


Upskill via County Wexford Chamber Skillnet


County Wexford Chamber Skillnet believe that maintaining a highly skilled workforce is essential to our national competitiveness. Our business is to ensure that your business has the skills it needs to thrive. Your company can benefit from subsidised training with discounts of 25% plus on most of our training courses, delivered at a time and a location that suits you (non-members receive 15%-20% discount).  Visit County Wexford Chamber Skillnet website HERE.


Be Heard – County Wexford Chamber is the Influencing Voice of Wexford Business

The County Chamber lobbies locally, nationally and internationally to address and achieve Wexford’s business goals. We lobby on issues of concern dictated by our members and work with stakeholders to achieve our goals.  By being a member, you strengthen the Chamber’s lobbying power.


Export Services

The Chamber is licensed to issue and certify export documentation – Chamber members receive a discount on this service which includes the issue of Certificates of Origin and Information on export regulations and custom requirements. We offer an online facility at providing you with the following benefits:


  • Apply Online and print from your desk
  • Get certificates in minutes rather than days.
  • Save on travel/ courier/ postage costs.
  • Increase productivity/ reduce costs