County Wexford Chamber welcomes the decision by Northern Ireland Minister Mallon MLA to approve planning permission for the North South Interconnector and acknowledges the importance of this infrastructure both in terms of improving energy security and enabling the island to move towards a 70% target of renewable electricity, which is critical in meeting our 2030 targets.
Speaking this afternoon, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot said,
“The economic and health impacts of COVID-19 have dominated for the past 6 months, and while this crisis remains, it is important that Governments look to the future and plan for the long-term needs of local economies across the island.
Today’s announcement that the North-South Interconnector has been granted planning approval is significant and will breed confidence in our capacity and ability to invest for the future.
Energy security is of the utmost importance to businesses across the island and the Interconnector will improve the resilience of our electricity supply.
The project is also essential for ensuring regional economies have the power and resources they need to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
In the longer term, the Interconnector will be invaluable in helping Ireland meet its climate targets, by supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy and the generation of clean electricity.
Today’s announcement is good news for Ireland’s competitiveness and good news for Ireland’s climate targets. We look forward to the completion of the project.”