We are delighted to be partnering with St. Vincent de Paul for the seventh year of the annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Toy Appeal! Also for the first year ever we will also be participating with their Giving Tree initiative.
The work of the society is ongoing – they try to give help and support to people who struggle every day. These people come from all walks of life, and at present those who are on low incomes and dependant on social welfare are under constant pressure to pay their bills.
When you’re planning your Christmas shopping, please consider adding a small gift for the St. Vincent de Paul Appeal to your list – it will go to one of the children they work with and really help to make a child’s Christmas special.
For many of the children and families St. Vincent de Paul works with, Christmas is a particularly difficult time. With your support, we hope to make a difference to their Christmas with the excitement and joy of receiving a gift.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides help to thousands of families at Christmas, which includes gift vouchers, toys for small children, gifts for young people as well as gifts for older adults. These gifts are distributed by our network of local volunteers.
How to take part:
- To take part in our toy appeal, we are asking you to donate a gift (see the useful gift guidelines below that will help you choose a present). Wexford Chamber will ‘allocate’ a particular child to you, advising you of the child’s age, sex and first name;
- You buy the gift, wrap in Christmas paper and label the present with the child’s first name and age clearly marked;
- You can then drop your gift into the Wexford Chamber Offices, Hill Street, Wexford by Monday 19th From here it will be collected by St. Vincent de Paul and distributed on Christmas Eve to the child that you have chosen to buy for.
Gift Guidelines – please note these are suggestions only
- To ensure that each child receives a gift of equal value, we suggest spending about €20 (toys, colours/books, dolls, cars etc.)
- Practical gifts of toiletries, pyjamas, socks, slippers, and dressing gowns are very welcome.
- Learning toys such as arts and craft materials make a great choice.
Thank you for your support!
To read more about St. Vincent de Paul and the work they do, please visit www.svp.ie
If you would like to buy a toy for a child or for more information please contact Wexford Chamber on 053 9122226 or email Katie O’ Connor on katieoconnor@wexfordchamber.ie