When life is busy, it is good to take a step back from everything and ‘Press Pause’. This one day workshop will enable you to do just that. Over the course of the day you will experience 7 styles of meditation – all with the aim of helping you to be happier and more focused, peaceful and energised. You will also learn how your mind works and about the practice of meditation from the perspective of different traditions. You will enjoy feelings of connection, relaxation and rejuvenation mind and body. The programme will help you alleviate unhealthy stress, boost your vitality and motivation and aid sound sleep. We will cover mindfulness, breath work, TM, visualisation, yoga Nidra and more.
The Meditation Experience, 1 Day Workshop,
When: Saturday October 15th, 2022 10am to 4:30pm
Where: Spiritual Earth, Rocklands, 1km from Wexford Town, Y35 E7N1
Only 10 Places. You can book here
For follow up questions, contact info@spiritualearth.com