Town Teams meetings under Town Centre First initiative

Wexford County Council is establishing a number of Town Teams around the county under the Town Centre First initiative.

Four Town Teams will be set up in the coming weeks – in Wexford, Taghmon, Castlebridge, and Bunclody.

Town Centre First aims to create towns that function as viable, vibrant, and attractive locations for people to live, work, and visit. It supports towns to function as the service, social, cultural, and recreational hub for the local community; it is Government Policy informed by data and best practice and is delivered by local authorities in partnership with communities.

Town Teams Meetings: Walk-in sessions

  • Friday, August 23: Wexford Town in Wexford Library, Mallin Street, 1pm-5pm
  • Monday, August 26: Taghmon in the TAG Building, 2pm-6pm
  • Friday, August 30: Castlebridge in Castlebridge Community Hall, 2pm-6pm
  • Monday, September 2: Bunclody in St Aidan’s Hall, Bunclody, 2pm-6pm

Town Teams meeting agenda

Town Regeneration Officer with Wexford County Council, Mick McCormack, will give talks on the hour and will meet and answer questions from anyone who calls to this event.

Town Teams are typically made up of representatives from business, community groups, residents, tourism groups, An Garda Siochana, charities, social enterprises, sports organisations, cultural groups, voluntary groups, chambers of commerce, retailers, developers, and educational facilities. Each Town, however, is different, and it’s important that the Team reflects the Town.