County Wexford Chamber welcomes this morning’s brilliant announcement that Wexford town has secured funding of €20.51 million, under the of Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF). The Chamber welcomes the announcement as it demonstrates a vote of confidence in Wexford by the Government. The Trinity Wharf project, with its plans for retail, cultural, hotel and commercial development, can enhance Wexford as a location in which to live, work and visit and secure the towns future. The project will provide much-needed economic stimulus and job creation as our economy emerges from the depths of the pandemic and be a much-needed catalyst for regeneration, development and growth.
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD, today announced €74 million in funding for five regeneration projects in the South-East investment region of Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford. The projects are being funded under ‘Call 2’ of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF). The URDF part-funds projects aimed at enhancing urban areas to make them more attractive places in which to live, work, visit and invest. The four local authorities, which will deliver these multi-annual projects, will receive this funding.
Trinity Wharf is a brownfield site, centrally located in Wexford Town with a high amenity waterfront vista. The site is identified as a ‘Key Opportunity’ site in the ‘Wexford Town & Environs Development Plan 2009 – 2015’. Through this project, the council plans to develop Trinity Wharf as a new mixed-use urban quarter to include retail, cultural, hotel and commercial office development.
The development has the potential to bring significant economic and social benefits. It could position Wexford as a superior location to work, live and visit. This project will build on the support approved under the URDF ‘Call 1’ project for first phase development of an access road and initial enabling works. Under ‘Call 2’ the URDF will support enabling/development works including:
Access Road and Junction Works – new access road, automated railway level crossing and Trinity Street junction works
Site Development Works – sea wall, site development works, public realm works to prepare an initial three sites for private sector development
Marina and boardwalk – A pedestrian boardwalk will integrate Trinity Wharf with the town’s existing quay front promenade, including the newly improved Crescent Quay urban realm. It will link the site to Wexford’s town centre. The Trinity Wharf marina will provide the facilities for leisure craft activities and marine tourism.
Site surfacing, hard and soft landscaping – site services, surfacing, hard and soft landscaping to prepare remaining sites for private sector development.
The €18.48 million in approved funding is in addition to €2.03 million in approved URDF funding for the ‘Call 1’ ‘Abbey Quarter’ project. Total URDF funding approved to date: €20.51 million
Read this morning’s full press release Here.